The Best Chicken Hoop 12x24

The Best Chicken Hoop 12x24

To Order Call 660-240-3238

Strong Design

The Best Chicken Hoop - is the only hoop on the market that does not have floor level bars 18" off the ground every 4-6 feet. I love engineering and I designed a bracing system that made the hoops stronger and eliminated the need for those knee knocker bars.

Quick Moves

Since the Best Chicken Hoop doesn't have those knee knocker bars the birds quickly move along during a move. With the bars (everyone else's hoop design) birds are slowed and occasionally crushed by the bars. Once you have a routine down you can move 250 birds in 2 minutes (Our Record is 35 seconds)

Easier To Feed

With The Best Chicken Hoop there are no bars to trip over so you can walk through the hoop carrying feed buckets with ease. In every other hoop you have a bar to step over (and lift feed buckets over) ever 4-6' and they are just the right height to bruise your shins.

Add On When Your Ready

We have optional back saving like Instant Water System, Solar Bank, and Lighting System. Each house can be used without any of these systems and they can all be added from the start or at a later time. We can even provide adapter kits to make these addons functional on any existing hoops you already have.

The Best Chicken Hoop 12x24 Includes:

  • Opaque Plastic Roof
  • Roll up side curtains
  • Roll up front and back curtains
  • The world's best bracing system
  • Covered 4x7 Doors
  • Complete Directions For Assembly

Call 660-240-3238 or email for a shipping quote.